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Статистика по срокам для 300\309 виз
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Сообщение от elena cronin Посмотреть сообщениеА скажите, пожалуйста, где найти всю информацию по визе 100? Какие документы и остальное?
General information for Stage 2 – Permanent Partner visa applicants
1.Have you received my application and/or documents?
Due to the large volume of correspondence received, we are unable to acknowledge receipt of documents.
If your documents were sent by email to [email protected] : This auto-response acts as confirmation that we have received your correspondence.
If your documents were sent by registered or express post: You can use your tracking number on the Australia Post website to confirm that we have received the documents.
If you have applied or have uploaded documents through ImmiAccount: You can login to ImmiAccount to see the current status of your application. The list of documents you have attached to your application can be seen in the “Supporting documents provided” section on the “Application for a…” page.
Please note: If you are using ImmiAccount, do not send documentation by email or through the post unless requested to do so, as it will cause delays in processing your online application.
2. What documents do I need to provide?
A checklist of the required documents can be found at:http://www.border.gov.au/LegacyPagesandAboutUs/Documents/checklist.pdf[
We will contact you if further information is required.
3. Am I eligible for Permanent Residence?
You will be eligible to have your application for a Permanent Partner visa assessed two years after you initially lodged your Partner visa application.
To check your eligibility please see: http://www.border.gov.au/about/corporate/information/forms/online/partner-permanent-calculator
4.How long will it take to process my Stage 2 – Permanent Partner Visa assessment and can I have a status update on my application?
The current Permanent Partner (Migrant) visa (subclass 100) processing time is 6-8 months from date of eligibility.
Individual processing times will vary depending on a range of factors. Service standards are aspirational and are not a guarantee your application will be processed within the time listed.
Please note: We will not provide a status update if your application is within the service standard.
For further information on your eligibility see: Am I eligible for permanent residence?National Police Certificates issued by your state’s police or ‘Standard Disclosure’ certificates will not be accepted.
Important information prior to commencement of your Stage 2 – Permanent Partner Visa application
Do I need to pay another fee for my Stage 2 - Partner (Migrant) visa (subclass 100) application?
No. You do not need to pay an application fee for the Stage 2 - Permanent Partner visa assessment as the cost was included in your original Partner Visa (309/100) application
6. Do I need to provide police checks?
If you have spent a total of 12 months in Australia since the grant of your Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309) visa, you will need to provide a Complete Disclosure National Police Certificate issued by the Australian Federal Police.
National Police Checks - Australian Federal Police
Please note: National Police Certificate’s issued by the Australian Federal Police are only valid for 12 months. If the certificate provided for your Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309) visa has expired, you will need to provide a new one.
Other Countries If you have spent a total of 12 months or more in a country outside Australia since the grant of your Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309) visa, you will need to provide a police clearance for that country. For instructions on obtaining a certificate from an overseas government or law enforcement authority, refer to the relevant country information at: Character and police certificate requirements
7. How do I begin the process for my Stage 2 - Partner (Migrant) visa (subclass 100) application
You are able to continue your Partner visa (309/100) application Online through ImmiAccount
In ImmiAccount, select: New Application → Family → Stage 2 – Permanent Partner Visa Assessment (100,801) Complete and submit the online application form using your Application ID. Once submitted, open your new application in ImmiAccount and upload your documents. For information on uploading documents see: http://www.border.gov.au/help-text/online-account/Documents/attach_documents.pdf
It is in your interests to submit all documents online as a complete package. We will be unable to progress your application until all required documents have been provided.
Important: When you lodge your Partner visa application through ImmiAccount, an electronic file is created allowing you to upload scanned documents. As the application is electronic, there is no facility to attach documents in hard copy to this file. Do not send documents by email or post as it will cause significant delays in the processing of your application.
Further information on applying for a Stage 2 – Permanent Partner Visa can be found on our website: http://www.border.gov.au/about/corporate/information/forms/online/partner-permanent-calculator
8. How do I set up my ImmiAccount?
Please refer to the quick reference guide available on our website at http://www.border.gov.au/help-text/online-account/documents/create_new_application_individual.pdf
Further information on ImmiAccount is available at ImmiAccount
9.I am getting an error after entering my Transaction Reference Number (TRN) or Application ID.
If you are receiving an error after entering your Transaction Reference Number (TRN) or Application ID, it usually means the number entered was for Stage 1 of your partner visa application. When completing your online application, please use the Application ID found in correspondence sent to you about Stage 2 of your Partner (Migrant) visa (subclass 100) application.
If you do not have an Application ID for Stage 2 of your Partner (Migrant) visa (subclass 100) application and you currently hold a Stage 1- Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309), please contact us by email at [email protected] and state in subject line that you need an Application ID.
Important information after commencing your Stage 2 – Permanent Partner Visa application
10. How do I submit further information after I have commenced my Stage 2 – Permanent Partner Visa application?
We prefer that you lodge your application and upload supporting documents Online through ImmiAccount ImmiAccount
Instructions on attaching documents to your online application in ImmiAccount can be found here: http://www.border.gov.au/help-text/online-account/Documents/attach_documents.pdf
Information on uploading documents to an online application, file limitations and tips for reducing file sizes can be found here: Attach documents to an online application
For trouble shooting information, please See:
I am experiencing difficulties uploading supporting documents to my online application
11. I am experiencing difficulties uploading supporting documents to my online application
A maximum of 60 attachments can be uploaded per applicant. The file size limit for each attachment is 5 MB. If you have reached your attachment limit, please contact us at [email protected]
Any documents you wish to provide in support of your online application must be scanned and uploaded to your ImmiAccount. Do not send supporting documentation by email or through the post unless requested to do so, as it will cause delays in processing your online application.
Further ImmiAccount assistance, including checking the progress of your application, Technical Support and Frequently Asked Questions can be found at: ImmiAccount
12. I want to withdraw my sponsorship
If you have emailed withdrawal advice to us, it has been recorded in our systems.Please be aware that:
1. Australian privacy laws prevent us from providing you with further information in relation to your former partner’s visa application.
2. Withdrawal of support for the partner visa applicant does not lead to the automatic refusal of that person’s visa application or their automatic removal from Australia. Under migration legislation the applicant may have other grounds for remaining in Australia. Following withdrawal of sponsorship, the applicant is notified of the withdrawal and invited to provide us with information supporting any claim to remain in Australia notwithstanding that withdrawal. As a former sponsor you will not be advised of the outcome of the partner visa application.
13. I am planning to travel outside Australia
Stage 1- Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309) holders – There are no travel or work restrictions associated with your current visa. If you intend to travel outside Australia, please contact us at [email protected]
and keep us updated with your current contact details as failure to respond to requests for information could lead to a refusal of your Stage 2 - Permanent Partner visa application and the cessation of your Stage 1 - Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309).
See: have changed my address or contact details
14.I have changed my address or contact details
If your address or contact details have changed, please update them through your ImmiAccount. If you do not have an ImmiAccount and you hold a Stage 1 - Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309), please complete Form 929 and send it by email to [email protected]
If you are an Australian citizen or you hold a Stage 2 - Permanent Partner visa (801/100), you do not need to advise us of changes to your contact details unless you are linked to an ongoing visa application. Form 929 can be found at http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/929.pdf
15.I have had a new passport issued
If you have had a new passport issued, please update your details through your ImmiAccount. If you do not have an ImmiAccount, please complete Form 929 and return to [email protected] with a scanned copy of your new passport. Form 929 can be found at http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/929.pdf
16.How can my child be added to my Stage 2 – Permanent Partner Visa application?
For information about adding a dependent child to your application, please see Dependent Child visa (subclass 445)
17. I need a letter for Medicare As a general rule, the Partner Section no longer provides “Medicare letters” as Medicare is now able toconfirm your visa status online. Please be aware that Medicare may not be able to verify your visa status if you have received a new passport since the grant of your Stage 1 - Partner (Provisional) visa (subclass 309) or Stage 2 - Partner (Migrant) visa (subclass 100), and you haven’t updated your passport details with us.
I have had a new passport issued
18. How can I check my visa status?
You can check your visa status with Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO). VEVO is a free online service that gives visa holders, employers and other registered organisations access to visa entitlements and status information 24 hours a day. Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO)
19. Am I eligible for Australian Citizenship?
]Please see our website for more information: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Citi[
20. How can I provide feedback?
If you would like to comment on the service that you have received, please refer to Contact us
The department will use your feedback to improve our services.Last edited by Карабас Б.; 14.01.2016, 01:44.Живу в Австралии. В России меня больше нет.
Сообщение от elena cronin Посмотреть сообщениеУра!!! Мне дали сегодня визу!!! Ждала 16 месяцев, оказывается была на дополнительных проверках! Так что, девочки ждите, скоро вы тоже получите
Сообщение от elena cronin Посмотреть сообщениенет, я работала юристом и муж не связан никак с этим, вообще не знаю почему мы попали на доп. проверки, может потому что я с ребенком еду, честно, до сих пор не пойму. Я и не знала, что мне теперь скоро на 100 подаватьсяОбратно, блин надоело))
Сообщение от tanuha Посмотреть сообщение16 месяцев!??? О боже мой!!!! А кто рассматривал ваше дело? Москва или Лондон? Так долго... Вечность.когда мы за 6 месяцев получали, тем, кто на доп проверках, за полтора года давали.
Runa, ээээ неееет, давайте сначала скрестим пальчики за тех, кто до начала июня подавались, чтобы им и мнетоже скорее дали, а потом уже пусть летникам дают
20.05.15 (подача на 300 Москва), 20.09.15 (медицина), 10.03.16 (интервью), 7.04.16 Visa Grant!!!