Сообщение от Gibbo
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If you are not an Australian citizen or permanent resident and
you reside outside Australia, your statement cannot be considered a statutory declaration under Australian law, even if it is made using this form or the template provided by the Attorney-General’s Department.
you reside outside Australia, your statement cannot be considered a statutory declaration under Australian law, even if it is made using this form or the template provided by the Attorney-General’s Department.

However, under policy, your statement should be witnessed or certified according to the legal practices of the country in which you make the statement. Failing that, it should be witnessed by a person whose occupation or qualification is comparable to those listed above. This person should sign, date and specify their occupation at the bottom of the statement.
Justice of the Peace;
• medical practitioner;
• legal practitioner;
• civil marriage celebrant or registered minister of religion;
• dentist;
• nurse;
• optometrist;
• pharmacist;
• physiotherapist;
• full-time teacher;
• bank manager or bank officer with 5 or more continuous years
of service;
• postal manager or permanent employee of the Australian
Postal Commission with 5 or more continuous years of service;
• police officer; or
• public servant with 5 or more continuous years of service.