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  • Maimiti_Isabella
    Сообщение от Mrs X Посмотреть сообщение
    However, there are some people who prefer to relocate outside an urban area. Usually, this is DINKs families. They suppose that idyllic place for them to live is so far away from the big smoke and hustle and bustle areas. These families only need comfortable infrastructure and service provided for telecommunications. This easy life for them can be an utopian. Probably they will be bored or have kids soon. This will be a reason for them to move back to cities.
    Не поняла, However - это вообще к чему? Предыдущих идей-то нет!

    telecommunication vs. telecommunications vs. telecommuting

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  • julyp
    Sea change or tree change gains popularity in our days. People abandon city life and move to villages or sea coasts because there are no hustle and bustle in countryside. In addition, people enjoy peaceful, idyllic or even utopian life in countryside.

    Of course, life in a village has minuses, for example, you may have difficulty with job searching. However many people may found telecommuting through the internet. Fewer and fewer circumstances prevent people from moving to the village these days. Everybody can relocate to village or sea cost now: young and old, families with children and DINK families. However, there are two categories of people who usually migrate to countryside. The first category is retirees and ill health people. The second one is people who want to rest from the big smoke; they usually shift to the coast.

    Although there is urban sprawl nowadays, this sea change is becoming more popular than ever.
    Last edited by julyp; 08.09.2015, 20:39.

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  • Maimiti_Isabella
    Сообщение от Тина Посмотреть сообщение
    The main reason why businessmen become DINKs - is their desire to become rich and popular. They believe that children do not contribute to reach their goal and think that the life without kids is idyllic. Usually such people live in a big smoke and have a full plate. However one day DINKs become tired from hustle and bustle of big city and understand that their dream is utopian. So they abandon their businesses, relocate to a small town and find themselves in telecommuting.
    Простите, а откуда вдруг взялалсь идея businessmen и businesses? И что значит become DINKs? Они есть become DINKs.

    However one day DINKs become tired - т.е. это правило?

    В общем, у меня серьезные проблемы с развитием идеи. Как-то я все время 'спотыкаюсь' на нелогичности.

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  • Maimiti_Isabella
    Сообщение от <кирилл> Посмотреть сообщение
    Ну да , как то не очень вышло
    Но вроде отдохнул и вот что получилось

    In the modern world, a significant number of people have been relocating to rural areas, trying to escape the hustle and bustle of the big smoke. According to resent research, the development of telecommuting has largely contributed to this trend, when many of DINKs can keep (sustain?) their jobs while living in the countryside. When they arrive to the new location, it seems to them as an idyllic place. However, their utopian beliefs of a peaceful and quite life in rural environment sometimes might not become true. For instance, it could be challenging for many individuals to get used to poor infrastructure and the absence of some facilities, such as gyms, fast broadband internet connection and public transport. As a result of these, a certain percentage of tree and sea changers may become dissatisfied with their new surroundings, and could return to their home city.
    Совсем другое дело!
    topian beliefs of a peaceful and quite life in rural environment sometimes might not become true - выучите как использовать слово realise в этом контексте.

    As a result of these - что такое здесь these? и вообще зачем оно надо?

    Also, have a look below and decide which one sounds better.

    For instance, it could be challenging for many individuals to get used to ...
    --> For many, for instance, it could present a real challenge to adapt to ..... --> For many, for instance, adapting to.... can/could/might present a serious challenge

    may become dissatisfied - consider: disgruntled / frustrated
    Last edited by Maimiti_Isabella; 08.09.2015, 20:22.

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  • Maimiti_Isabella
    Сообщение от NortT Посмотреть сообщение
    Ощущение, нагородил, что черт ногу сломит.

    Nowadays, some people relocate far away from the big smoke to the countryside. They claim that instead of ill health and the hustle and bustle they gain idyllic life in the quiet environment. While skeptics say that villages have inadequate infrastructure, people who have already moved to the rural area argue that they are glad with provision of services. For example, many cottages are equipped with central heating or the Internet. The World Wide Web makes it possible for people telecommuting rather than to work at local farmers.

    Moreover, many of those people, who abandoned metropolises, have changed their mind about many things. For instance, they feel that their motto “Double Income, No Kids” is just a utopian idea and they start to enjoy parenthood.
    Quite impressive, really. You managed to use almost all the the words correctly and have done this in a clear and coherent way.

    A couple of things to consider.
    The Internet and central heating in a cottage are not services (and why you're talking about cottages anyway? These are not holiday homes!). But a company can provide these services.

    Hustle and bustle - look up the collocation's usage.

    A really difficult one to explain: to be glad
    I was not even sure what was wrong here, it just sounds wrong and then I realised it's the preposition. You cannot be glad 'with' something. You can be happy with something though.

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  • Maimiti_Isabella
    Сообщение от od1n Посмотреть сообщение
    Сегодня, видимо, мне начинать. Курсив - из прошлых заданий. Скорее всего напорол с запятыми - этот раздел ещё предстоит изучать.

    In spite of the continuous influx of people from the countryside to cities, the idea of relocating to a rural community has become more popular in the last decade. People exhausted by hustle and bustle in the big smoke agree to have more developed infrastructure sacrificed on the altair of tranquil life in the calm and idyllic in their mind countryside. In most cases they are single invidividuals who want to live in a more surreptitious way.

    In some instances people may migrate to a rural place, even if it can be considered, at first glance, as a deleterious activity for their way of life. For example, DINKs families - highly depending on their work and on achieving of their ambition, in modern world they can find a well-paid job which allows telecommuting.

    But some people try to put a different complexion on the matter of a seachange. They are convinced that these cases exhibit egoistic attitudes of downshifters as well as their morbid alacrity to avoid social responsibility. The living in a rural place with a specific for city job, in their opinion, is an utopian idea in minds of the working poor.
    Практически все слова употреблены правильно, (см ниже), но уж так наворочено, что я несколько раз каждое предложение должна была прочитать, чтобы понять о чем речь!

    Вы не могли бы, например, вот это в что-нибудь более удобоваримое превратить?

    People exhausted by hustle and bustle in --> of the big smoke agree to have more developed infrastructure sacrificed on the altair of tranquil life in the calm and idyllic in their mind countryside.
    И наверное лучше все-таки DINK families

    Ну и ваше but в начале предложения меня просто убило!

    The word people appears 4 times. Any particular reason for this?
    Last edited by Maimiti_Isabella; 08.09.2015, 19:53.

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  • MariaAn
    When dwellers of rural area relocate to the Big Smoke they want to find an idyllic life. However, some years later, most of them feel themselves disappointed with an utopian idea of better life in megapolises.

    On the one hand, living inside a flock of citizens has an uncomfortable conditions such as hustle and bustle everywhere: in shops, in public transport, in hospitals and other instances. Moreover, permanent noise has a negative impact to the nervous system and health in common. This can lead to increasing of DINKs family which is a disadvantage for a whole society. If employee had more opportunities for telecommuting, they would reduce a level of stress and improve their health.

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  • z11aalex
    Сложновато для меня, для DINKs место так и не нашлось

    Many people like the idea of tree change from the big smoke where they currently live in. Apparently the hustle and bustle of big cities contributes to this, inclining people to relocate to the country side.
    The usual idyllic place at the country side people imagine is often comprised of a green lawn with a country house surrounded by bushes making the whole picture utopian. Hence most people realize that not every country side can accommodate current life style requirements; for instance to provide basic infrastructure and facilities for telecommuting such as a broadband connection to internet. Additionally the provision of services, including medical assistance, might be provided with considerable delay that discourage ill health persons from the idea of tree change.

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  • Pashich
    Recent statistics has ilustrated that many people prefer relocating from big cities to idyllic small towns, as the result of all these hustle and bustle of the big smoke. Living there allows individuals to lead more relaxed lifestyle as well as to do the same jobs as they did in large cities due to teleworking technologies. However, all of this may turn out to be an utopian of the modern world, because such males and females may become isolated and reserved because of lack of communication and meeting people in real life.
    Last edited by Pashich; 08.09.2015, 17:44.

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  • Pashich
    Сообщение от NortT Посмотреть сообщение
    А что вам не понятно? Аббревиатура означает что-то типа "двойная зарплата - отсутствие детей". Применяется к семьям, где оба из пары работают, а детей заводить не хотят.
    Также некоторые люксовые вещи позиционируются как вещи для DINKs, т.к. у среднестатистической семьи чистый доход не очень высок (т.к. тратят много денег на памперсы, смеси и всякое такое).
    В каких ситуациях можно использовать данную абревиатуру? Сначала нужно выяснить в каких, а потом уже писать, если делать иначе это все от бесов. Можно такого понаписать, что потом замучаешься отучиваться.
    Там не сказано что детей заводить не хотят. Что значит dual income ? Как вы себе представляете это? Если у меня есть дети у меня зп в количественном выражении в 2 раза меньше становится?

    Поэтому неизвестно как я могу использовать данную аббр.

    DINK's couples/(may I use families here ?)are known to have higher income in comparisson to families with children.

    Our shop mainly sells DINK's goods for people with higher income.

    My close friends Adam and Mary have been living together for 3 years. Both of them work, and they don't have children. i consider them as DINK's couple.

    The question is still active...HOw to use this abbreviation?
    Last edited by Pashich; 08.09.2015, 16:53.

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  • NortT
    Сообщение от Pashich Посмотреть сообщение
    Could you give us an explanation in terms of the law ?

    I cannot uderstand this explanation:
    abbreviation for double/dual income no kids: used to refer to either one of a couple who both have jobs and who have no children:
    Luxury goods are marketed to DINKs, who are more likely to have the disposable income needed.
    А что вам не понятно? Аббревиатура означает что-то типа "двойная зарплата - отсутствие детей". Применяется к семьям, где оба из пары работают, а детей заводить не хотят.
    Также некоторые люксовые вещи позиционируются как вещи для DINKs, т.к. у среднестатистической семьи чистый доход не очень высок (т.к. тратят много денег на памперсы, смеси и всякое такое).

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  • Mrs X
    However, there are some people who prefer to relocate outside an urban area. Usually, this is DINKs families. They suppose that idyllic place for them to live is so far away from the big smoke and hustle and bustle areas. These families only need comfortable infrastructure and service provided for telecommunications. This easy life for them can be an utopian. Probably they will be bored or have kids soon. This will be a reason for them to move back to cities.

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  • Pashich
    Сообщение от Maimiti_Isabella Посмотреть сообщение
    Усложняем задание. Тема:

    Tree change / sea change
    Вам придется разобраться что это такое и вообще о чем речь.

    Задача: употребить все слова из списка плюс минимум 2 слова из предыдущих списков.
    • DINKs
    Could you give us an explanation in terms of the law ?

    I cannot uderstand this explanation:
    abbreviation for double/dual income no kids: used to refer to either one of a couple who both have jobs and who have no children:
    Luxury goods are marketed to DINKs, who are more likely to have the disposable income needed.

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  • Тина
    The main reason why businessmen become DINKs - is their desire to become rich and popular. They believe that children do not contribute to reach their goal and think that the life without kids is idyllic. Usually such people live in a big smoke and have a full plate. However one day DINKs become tired from hustle and bustle of big city and understand that their dream is utopian. So they abandon their businesses, relocate to a small town and find themselves in telecommuting.

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  • <кирилл>
    Сообщение от Maimiti_Isabella Посмотреть сообщение
    Да, вы явно были очень заняты

    a lot of - ????

    Да и с логикой я как-то запуталась.

    С точки зрения употребления слов нареканий нет
    Ну да , как то не очень вышло
    Но вроде отдохнул и вот что получилось

    In the modern world, a significant number of people have been relocating to rural areas, trying to escape the hustle and bustle of the big smoke. According to resent research, the development of telecommuting has largely contributed to this trend, when many of DINKs can keep (sustain?) their jobs while living in the countryside. When they arrive to the new location, it seems to them as an idyllic place. However, their utopian beliefs of a peaceful and quite life in rural environment sometimes might not become true. For instance, it could be challenging for many individuals to get used to poor infrastructure and the absence of some facilities, such as gyms, fast broadband internet connection and public transport. As a result of these, a certain percentage of tree and sea changers may become dissatisfied with their new surroundings, and could return to their home city.

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