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  • Сообщение от FAR19812 Посмотреть сообщение
    У всех быть и не реально.
    Спасибо вам за Иссе.
    Кстати мой преподаватель райтинга с 20 летним стажем
    - Использует их как Икону.!!!
    Не забывайте что вы нужны на форуме!
    Ничего не поняла. Какая икона? Какие эссе? Какой стаж?
    Сообщение от bolo83
    всезнающая дама предпенсионного возраста, которая сама непонятно как попала в Австралию


    • Сообщение от Maimiti_Isabella Посмотреть сообщение
      Давайте сюда эту graph или эти flow charts: невозможно проверять, если не знаешь о чем идет речь.
      Послал Вам ЛС с ссылкой, может, сообщенией у меня недостаточно. Не могу прикрепить ссылку. Спасибо большое!


      • Сообщение от Maimiti_Isabella Посмотреть сообщение
        Ничего не поняла. Какая икона? Какие эссе? Какой стаж?
        Да который Валико С собой забрал!!
        Это как грузинский мультик помните -
        какой Орёл Какой что то - Люблю этот мультик.


        Вы давали семплы своих иссе всем на почту и мне в том числе.
        Я щас готовлюсь к райтингу и мой препод - ваши иссе ну как вам сказать держит за отличный пример - СПАСИБО!!.


        • Сообщение от FAR19812 Посмотреть сообщение
          Да который Валико С собой забрал!!
          Это как грузинский мультик помните -
          какой Орёл Какой что то - Люблю этот мультик.


          Вы давали семплы своих иссе всем на почту и мне в том числе.
          Я щас готовлюсь к райтингу и мой препод - ваши иссе ну как вам сказать держит за отличный пример - СПАСИБО!!.
          Я ничего никому не давала. Хотя бы потому, что у меня никаких эссе нет.

          А под 'мультиком' вы имеете в виду Мимино?
          Last edited by Maimiti_Isabella; 21.03.2012, 20:07.
          Сообщение от bolo83
          всезнающая дама предпенсионного возраста, которая сама непонятно как попала в Австралию


          • Сообщение от Remboo Посмотреть сообщение
            Послал Вам ЛС с ссылкой, может, сообщенией у меня недостаточно. Не могу прикрепить ссылку. Спасибо большое!
            IELTS Exam Preparation
            Last edited by Maimiti_Isabella; 14.04.2015, 22:08.
            Сообщение от bolo83
            всезнающая дама предпенсионного возраста, которая сама непонятно как попала в Австралию


            • Сообщение от Maimiti_Isabella Посмотреть сообщение
              Я ничего никому не давала. Хотя бы потому, что у меня никаких эссе нет.

              А под 'мультиком' вы имеете в виду Мимино?
              Извините Попутал Иссе которые Мирабель отправляла!
              Мультик не Мимино Это когда там чудище надо было голову запудрить помните!
              Но всё равно риспект за всё!


              • Сообщение от Remboo Посмотреть сообщение
                The flow charts provide information about the amount of money that was raised via exportation of goods
                И где же эти The flow charts? На картинке из нет! Т.е. уже с самого начала вас 'занесло' куда-то не туда
                and cost of food, fuel, and manufactured merchandise from 2000 to 2005.
                а к чему это относится: к exportation или к amount of money that was raised? Здесь надо префразировать предложение, чтобы было ясно к чему данная часть относится.

                Второе, где ответ на вопрос where?
                What - amount of money raised
                When - 2000 - 2005
                How - thanks to export and ?

                As shown in the graph (which one - there are two!), the total value of exported goods represents (??? reached?) bottom line in 2002. The amount of assets which was were raised three years later (Sorry but do you know the meaning of 'assets'? This word is a clear misfit in the given context) was twice as much as (better option: doubled compared to) the previous rate. From 2000 to 2002 there was a gradual decrease of means gained from overall export. In 2003, however, the profit saw a sharp turnabout leaping from 250.000 to 350.000 million dollars. (Good!) During the last two years, this trend rose (trends cannot 'rise', they can continue or discontinue) upwards and peaked up (No, it didn't pick up. It picked AT) to (cut) slightly more (better: higher) than 400.000 million dollars by 2005.
                Although the demand on fuel was extremely high in 2000, the period between 2001 and 2005 saw a steady decline of income.
                Good sentence! But because you haven't established the answer to the 'where' question, we don't understand what kind of income you're referring to? Is it personal income? Is it a company's income? BTW, we don't usually use the word 'income' when talking about a country. It's better to use revenue / profits / total earnings, etc

                The sales of manufactured goods were enhanced significantly and constituted about 22.000 million dollars in 2001. There was a period of stability during / over the next year.
                Really good English!

                Regardless of the sudden fall (what/which fall you're talking about - specify), degree of profit (what's that?) remained stable by (we use 'by' when talking about changes -> till) 2005. The export of food demonstrated fairly permanent figures despite negligible alterations (Looks good but really not quite clear what you mean. If it s fairly stable, it already means that changes are negligible. What other changes are you referring to after 'despite'?).
                Generally speaking, there were insignificant differences of revenue between fuel and manufactured merchandise by 2005
                Good! But I would've used not 'between' but 'from'.

                , however,
                This use of punctuation won't earn you any brownie points!

                it was a huge discrepancy five years before.
                What do you mean by 'it'? It doesn't seem to refer to anything in particular. Maybe you should use 'there'? Before -> earlier

                I don't feel comfortable with putting a mark to the graph description but I'd say it's probably 7.
                Сообщение от bolo83
                всезнающая дама предпенсионного возраста, которая сама непонятно как попала в Австралию


                • Сообщение от Maimiti_Isabella Посмотреть сообщение
                  И где же эти The flow charts? На картинке из нет! Т.е. уже с самого начала вас 'занесло' куда-то не туда
                  а к чему это относится: к exportation или к amount of money that was raised? Здесь надо префразировать предложение, чтобы было ясно к чему данная часть относится.

                  Второе, где ответ на вопрос where?
                  What - amount of money raised
                  When - 2000 - 2005
                  How - thanks to export and ?

                  Good sentence! But because you haven't established the answer to the 'where' question, we don't understand what kind of income you're referring to? Is it personal income? Is it a company's income? BTW, we don't usually use the word 'income' when talking about a country. It's better to use revenue / profits / total earnings, etc

                  Really good English!

                  Good! But I would've used not 'between' but 'from'.

                  This use of punctuation won't earn you any brownie points!

                  What do you mean by 'it'? It doesn't seem to refer to anything in particular. Maybe you should use 'there'? Before -> earlier

                  I don't feel comfortable with putting a mark to the graph description but I'd say it's probably 7.

                  Большое спасибо!!! Очень подробно разобрали и дали очень ценные рекомендации. У меня пара вопросов:
                  1. В Intro на вопрос Where подойдет "in the particular region" ?
                  2. Вы верно указали, что нужно указывать, какой именно график. Как лучше "As shown in the first graph" ?
                  Спасибо !!!


                  • Сообщение от Remboo Посмотреть сообщение
                    У меня пара вопросов:
                    1. В Intro на вопрос Where подойдет "in the particular region" ?
                    А если еще раз прочитать задание, и внимательно?
                    The graph below shows the total value of exports and the value of fuel, food and manufactured goods exported by one country from 2000 to 2005.
                    2. Вы верно указали, что нужно указывать, какой именно график. Как лучше "As shown in the first graph" ?
                    Можно и так. А можно и более descriptive: the graph that displays information regarding blah-blah-blah shows / demonstrates blah-blah-blah

                    В принципе, вместо 'first' можно использовать и 'top', but somehow I don't feel particularly comfortable with this.
                    Сообщение от bolo83
                    всезнающая дама предпенсионного возраста, которая сама непонятно как попала в Австралию


                    • Прочитал внимательно) Просто by one country слишком просто выходило, поэтому, решил что-то придумать . Спасибо огромное!


                      • Сообщение от Remboo Посмотреть сообщение
                        Прочитал внимательно) Просто by one country слишком просто выходило, поэтому, решил что-то придумать . Спасибо огромное!
                        a country
                        a certain country
                        one particular country
                        a country in question

                        Сообщение от bolo83
                        всезнающая дама предпенсионного возраста, которая сама непонятно как попала в Австралию


                        • Tests and examinations are a central feature of school systems in many countries.
                          Do you think the educational benefits of testing outweigh any disadvantages?
                          Give reasons for your answer, and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

                          The 20th century was heralded by invention and development of diverse educational techniques and methods in order to improve pupils’ abilities to absorb information. It is considered to be that testing of schoolchildren makes them study hard and properly. In my opinion, examinations provide an opportunity to realize what difficulties they have in educational process and choose the appropriate materials that will cover certain area of the subject in the future.

                          To begin with, exams motivate pupils and create a competition among them. It is extremely important for child to show better results than his rivals and build up confidence and respect in front of the teachers. While taking examinations year and year out, young people get accustomed to struggle and overcome difficulties. Moreover, it will aid them in the future when they encounter more serious dilemmas.

                          The other, equally important aspect is, that all tests have been compiled by professional tutors and this in turn means that the questions do cover all the topics of the current subject. The universal testing system has become fairly popular in majority of developed countries because the marks that are given after the test reflect the real knowledge of certain schoolboy. It is clear, there is not any bias against those children whose behavior was, to put it mildly, unsatisfactory.

                          On the other hand, children’s psyche has not formed thoroughly when they take their first exams at junior school. Permanent psychic tension can trigger the process of mental deviations that will, probably, leave the mark in consciousness. In addition, sense of anxiety that accompanies everyone while taking exams may not prejudice the success of fairly educated or even gifted individuals.

                          In conclusion, testing system provides the schoolchildren with impartial assessment of their knowledge in particular domain. The techniques are not perfect yet, but I am convinced that the approach that will help to make exams less stressful will be found soon.
                          Last edited by Remboo; 22.03.2012, 00:53.


                          • Guys, please, check it out

                            The twenty first century brings a gradual shift away from traditional socio-cultural principles to those of modernized biases with contemporary ideologies and modes of life. The rapidly changing milieu forces people especially these preparing for stepping into the adult world to conform to changing circumstances usually being endowed with exceeded individual freedom.

                            To begin with, immense youngsters’ freedom takes its roots from lack of parent’s supervision in terms of reduced time allocated for children-parent social contacts as well as parent’s negligence. The majority of people, these days, are pursuing their career path often ignoring children behavior or misconducting the appropriate time allotted for children being on their own. Children on their part feeling the sense of independence are making the choices of their own, enjoying leisure pursuits they like and acting they speculate is appropriate whether it is accepted by the norm of behavior in society or not. These factors are reflected on the time out of parental control children possess and individual freedom which is taken for granted.

                            In addition, technological boom put its contribution in the way of giving children independence in education, recreation and many more spheres of life. Advent of online studying, for instance, delivered students from attending traditional classes providing children with academic freedom and excluding the role of traditional teachers. They are unassisted in accomplishing their academic researches and foundations which made them even if not integrally but partially independent from academic curriculum and granted a choice of being chosen a particular system of studying they are interested in. Cutting-edge technologies, also, have given children an opportunity to perform daily routines such as cooking, washing and cleaning without being beseeched family members and eliminate straight parents’ interference. Therefore, technology advances have a great deal as to make children more independent and capable to handle their obligation by themselves.

                            Finally, I think, that children in present times are given too much individual freedom which is their blessing and malady simultaneously.


                            • глюк.


                              • IELTS черeз неделю.
                                Посмотрите ессе пожалyйста

                                It is common nowadays that people leave their communities to work in other countries. Is it good or bad for people and for communities? Give answer to the question and give some supporting arguments.

                                Migration has become a global process over the past century and cannot be overestimated. The rules of the globalised labour market as well as desire to have a better lifestyle trigger migration flows and leave local communities with a number of serious problems. This essay will put forward the notion that while migration has positive impact on individuals, it is mostly disadvantageous on a larger scale. The analysis of the issue will prove the above stated position.

                                On the one hand, in most cases, people choose for themselves if they want to build their career overseas. The decision is tough; and a lot of factors are ought to be taken into serious consideration before one crosses a nation’s border. Whatever choice is made, it is usually based on a prevailing number of personal rather than social reasons. Thus, it is quite explainable why moving to another country for work is usually beneficial for individuals seeking better life.

                                However, local communities, which are left behind migrants, face ongoing crisis. For example, it is estimated that millions of young people left Eastern Europe in the last couple of decades. Those migrants, who grew up and obtained education and other benefits in their home countries, did not support their local communities in tough times. Hence, it has become obvious that communities suffer from the outflow of talented and hardworking personnel.

                                In conclusion there is no simple positive or negative answer to the question. While it is considered advantageous for people to travel and work in other countries; migration can bring serious drawbacks to local communities.

