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Приветствую, господа, и желаю всем удачи в осуществлении Ваших планов. При сем, вы можете ознакомиться с плодом моих усилий, а именно, — с формами RPL и «простого» Assessment.
Двойственность форм возникла по причине того, что когда год назад я принял решение относительно смены UA на AU никаких официальных и неофициальных бумажек (не считая порядка 20 BrainBench’ев) не было, так как по образованию я юрист… Хоть и стаж в ИТ можно было «придумать» с 1991 года, когда я папу с мамой «уболтал» на предмет отдать меня на «компутерные курсы».
Посему, чувствуя шестым чувством (или местом), что моего опыта (с июля 1999 в должности «инженера-программиста» (в госконторах других должностей нету)), и бумажки от 1991 года об прохождении курсов на оператора ПК «Atari» будет маловато я активно начал сертифицироваться сначала в направлении MCSE, но «подсев» на сдачу экзаменов сдал еще CCNA и SCSA (думаю не зря, так как слово Solaris присутствует в MODL’е).
Естественно, что когда, решив, что этого уже хватит (точнее на руках был MCSE и один SUN), я конкретно «по уши» зарылся в архив форума, опять прошустрил сайты ДИМЫ и АЦС, и подготовил форму RPL, и соответствующее к ней резюме.
И тут… СПАСИБО ФОРУМУ... Оказывается, что MCSE признается к ОЗ AQF Diploma, и посему получаем, что готовить нужно обычный skills assessment. В качестве бенефита получаем –50 озибаков J (мелочь, но приятно) и меньшее количество листочков в форме.
В принципе, все основные формы я также приложил, думаю, что переводы выписки из диплома (равно как и его самого), свидетельства о рождении будут излишни.
Еще один момент относительно стажа. Во время учебы в институте я реально течсупортил местную сетку (об чем указано и в формах и в референсах), хотя мое ментовско-юридическое образование явно мало с ИТ соприкасалось, но вопрос в другом, — ментам учеба идет в стаж. А это плюс, т.к. после окончания учебы и трех месяцев алкоголизма в должности инструктора боевой и спец. подготовки, я таки взялся за ум и утвердился на должности инженера-програмиста, хотя как таковым им не являлся (админил в смысле). Посему, имея на руках (после договора с начальником кадров) приказ об зачислении меня на должность программера, запись в трудовой книге довольна скромна:
с августа 1995 по июль 1999 учеба в институте (плюс я себе взял оттуда справку об подработке в ИТ отделе), и с июля по февраль 2001 — служба в Кировоградском управлении. Итого, общий стаж в органах 5 лет, 8 месяцев
(или сколько там, — точно не помню). И никакой должности. Лишь выписка из приказа об назначении на должность. Ну и с июня (нелегко было найти нормальную работу экс-менто-«программеру», посему приходилось «левошабашить») «чистый шоколад», — красивые должности и конторы.
Сорри, если утомил всей этой лирикой.
А мораль сей басни такова:
Хоти—Стремись—Работай (точнее паши как вол). И все получится.
От всей души желаю всем Вам! :)
С наилучшими,
Пример заполнения RPL-формы
This application form is to be completed when applicants are applying for Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) from work and community experience in IT. The assessment can also include clarification of formal education and training including professional development.
This form asks you to provide information about yourself and your request for recognition of previous education, learning and experience.
The form contains four sections:
Section 1:
General information about yourself and your experiences. (Provision of a resume should suffice for these purposes).
Section 2:
Information about the Areas of Knowledge for which you are seeking recognition. (Refer to Core Body of Knowledge Guidelines (CBOK)).
Section 3:
The relation between the Areas of Knowledge and your experiences including work, community, education, training and professional development, presentation and publication of papers etc.
Section 4:
Brief Summary of Conclusions to be stated by applicant.
After completing the application form you should forward it to the Director, Membership Board. The assessment will be based on the questions that are included in this application and will be made by a panel formed by the Director, Membership Board. The purpose of the panel review will be to confirm and clarify your request for recognition and to make sure that all relevant learning experiences have been identified.
Please provide the following documentation, if not previously supplied:
- A detailed resume
- Copies of any presented papers, public addresses, published articles, or statements, case studies, etc.
- Copies of testamurs, transcripts, professional development course outlines
- Work samples if available
- Any other information which you feel might aid the assessment of your request. You should read the RPL Guidelines before completing this form.
For the purposes of membership see Membership Fees, for Immigration see How to Lodge an Application
General Information
(a) Personal Details:
Surname: Vasek
Given Name: Pupkin
Address: Planet Earth
Tel. No. Day: xxx-xxx
I certify that, to the best of my belief, the information provided in this application is true and correct.
Signature: ___________________________
Date: 01 march 2002
(b) Work Experience (Summary):
Indicate in the space below work experience in IT, which relates specifically to Areas of Knowledge involved.
1 |
Firm A Kyiv |
Contract (30 hours at the week) Desktop support |
From: May 1996 To: Jul 1999 |
2 |
Firm B Kirovograd |
Full Time Senior system administrator/system analyst |
From: Jul 1999 To: Feb 2001 |
3 |
Consulting firm C. Kyiv |
Full Time Systems Analyst |
From: Feb 2001 To: Oct 2001 |
4 |
Firm D Kyiv |
Full Time Chief of IT department |
From: Oct 2001 To: Present |
Add any additional experience, etc. that you think might be relevant:
See to my Detailed CV to additional experience.
(c) Qualifications, Professional Development, Training, Presented Papers, Published Articles, etc.
PC operator |
Courses, provided by “Effect”. Operator for Atari PC and x86 PC |
Sun courses by Kvazar-Micro |
Microsoft Certified Professional MCP ID: 2282456 |
Achieve at Apr 02, 2001 |
Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer for Windows 2000/.Net platform MCP ID: 2282456 |
Achieve at Oct 15, 2001 Exam ID Description Date Completed
- 216 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Network Infrastructure Apr 02, 2001
- 210 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Professional Apr 09, 2001
- 215 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Server Apr 23, 2001
- 221 Designing a Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Network Infrastructure May 15, 2001
- 088 Implementing and Supporting Microsoft® Proxy Server 2.0 Jun 12, 2001
- 217 Implementing and Administering a Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure Aug 27, 2001
- 219 Designing a Microsoft® Windows® 2000 Directory Services Infrastructure Oct 15, 2001
Sun Certified System Administrator for Sun Solaris 8 |
15.03.02 |
Cisco Certified Network Associate |
01.02.02 |
d) Community Involvement in IT:
Detail below any involvement in the community with respect to IT.
Along with mix of experience “Effect” and “Kvazar-Micro” courses the important part in my self-education was reading books, daily mailing lists and web sites related to IT. The lists of most influential read books and Internet resources are attached.
SECTION 2: Information about the Areas of Knowledge.
After studying the CBOK document tick the Areas of Knowledge your believe what you have learned from your experience provides a fit
1 |
Computer Organisation and Architecture |
Good |
2 |
Conceptual Modelling |
Average |
3 |
Database Management |
Good |
4 |
Data Communications and Networks |
Excellent |
5 |
Data Structures and Algorithms |
Average |
6 |
Discrete Mathematics |
Good |
7 |
Ethical/Social Implications/Professional Practice |
Good |
8 |
Interpersonal Communications |
Excellent |
9 |
Program Design and Implementation |
Average |
10 |
Project Management |
Excellent |
11 |
Security |
Excellent |
12 |
Software Engineering and Methodologies |
None |
13 |
Systems Analysis and Design |
Excellent |
14 |
Systems Software |
Excellent |
SECTION 3: Please detail relation between selected Areas of Knowledge and what learned from Type of Work and Qualifications
For more detailed information about this topic please see my Detailed CV
Computer Organization and Architecture |
OS on different platforms (Intel from XT to P4, Athlon, PowerPC, Alpha, Sparc) Understanding, implementing and working with various types of File systems (FAT16, VFAT, FAT32, NTFS, UFS, Ex2), Buses (ISA, VESA, PCI, AGP, EV6). Understanding and setting up many types of controllers and peripheries. Working with systems on administrator and technician level, but not on developer.
See Job 1, 2, 3 and references.
Conceptual Modelling |
Design databases for local use for accounting department with using MS Access 97/2000.
See Job 1 and references
Database Management |
Administering, supporting and backuping databases (MS SQL Server, Oracle 8 on Solaris platform) at administration level.
See Job 2, 3, 4 and references
Data Communications and Networks |
Solid education and experience at this area. Familiar with most techniques of communications. Expert in developing, supporting and maintaining LAN and WAN communications from small offices to wide networks that spans many remote branches, using most popular technologies such as HDLC, FR, PPP, Ethernet (various Frame types), VPN (PPTP and L2TP). Hardware — familiar with most common LAN/WAN hardware (Cisco, 3Com, Nortel, PairGain, Cabletron and many others) 2nd and 3rd levels of OSI model. Freely with OSI and DoD models, IEEE, IETF standards. Understanding of most main RFC. Expert with TCP/IP, IPX/SPX protocols stack, NetBEUI, AppleTalk and other. Familiar with routing protocols — RIP1, RIP2, OSPF, MOSPF, PIM, NHRP and others). Designing and implementing DMZ networks. Administering proxies (MS Proxy 2.0, Squid, WinGate, WinRoute) and firewalls (Cisco IOS and Microsoft ISA Server EE). Expert with most application and session level protocols, interfaces and services such as DNS/DDNS, NFS, DHCP, DFS, IIS, WINS and all others standard Windows 2000 and Solaris network services. Familiar with main network OS.
See job 1, 2, 3, 4. Microsoft, Sun and Cisco Certificates
Data Structures and Algorithms |
Knowledge with data representation and storing with Assembler x86 programming.
See references and Brainbench certificates and Detailed CV
Discrete Mathematics |
Use subject with assembler programming and System administration activities such as subnetting TCP/IP networks (CIDR and VLSM), tuning routing, monitoring networks and other.
See jobs 2,3,4 and Brainbench certificates
Ethical/Social Implications/Professional Practice |
Knowledge of ethical issues in private and public sectors. Principles of professional behaviour on our countries are commonly same. Familiar with ACS Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, and SQ606 - Computing in the Human Context (that I download from Internet). |
Interpersonal Communications |
Solid background of written and verbal communication with client (include teaching and consulting by phone and e-mail). Managing, consulting and teaching team of regional engineers in branch offices of UkrSpetsJust.
See Certificate of Degree, Jobs 2, 4
Program Design and Implementation |
Assembler for IBM PC. See CV for more information |
Project Management |
Developed and implemented over 5 big network projects (including costs, optimal achievement of goal, etc).
See job 2,3,4 and references
Security |
Good knowledge of common principles and algorithms (Hash, One-way and Related Functions), commonly-used ciphers (DES, RSA, RC2-4, IDEA, SAFER, etc.), Key Management (IKE/Oakley), Certificates of PC and network security. Familiar with remote users authentication methods such as TACACS, RADIUS, MS-CHAP and other. Expert with file systems related security methods such as NTFS file permissions, DACL, ACL, EFS, Protected Storage, Windows share permissions, Solaris UFS ACL. Microsoft AD enterprise security settings. Expert with secure interoperations (VPN — PPTP/MMPE and L2TP/IPSec), encapsulation of various types of protocols, smart cards etc. Familiar with firewalls (ISA Server, Cisco IOS firewall, UNIX and Windows packet filters and etc.)
See Jobs 2, 4 and references.
Software Engineering and Methodologies |
Do not have any relevance experience in this area. |
Systems Analysis and Design |
Expert with designing, analyse, implementing and supporting scalable, wide-country networks based on Microsoft Network Infrastructure and Cisco equipment in business and government area. Leader of relevant projects.
See Job 2, 3, 4 Microsoft, SUN, Cisco certificates and references.
Systems Software |
Expert with all Microsoft operating systems 9x and NT/2000 family. Familiar with Sun Solaris 7, 8. Various BSD-family OS, Cisco IOS family for routers and switches (not mean COS – Catalyst 5xxx series OS). Expert in many kinds of system administration software by Symantec, PowerQuest, F-Secure, Microsoft, Cisco, 3Com, MCAffe and many others. Don’t have practice in systems software development.
See all jobs and references.
Thereby, my education on IT consists of “Effect” and “Kvazar-Micro” courses, more than 10 year of practice experience and hard self-studying by books-reading and Internet education.
All of my skills have taken a place in Core Body of Knowledge, which acknowledging extensiveness of my acquirements in IT. My colleagues and employers are of opinion that my professional’s abilities aren’t below the level of University Education in IT.
And as the evidence of aforesaid are my trade certificates of Microsoft Certified Professional (MCSE), Sun and Cisco certifications.
Пред. - След.